CMT Research Benefit - Update

The CMT research benefit was a success and raised over $15k for CMT research. The evening included speakers for CMT and some of the attendees had CMT. It was a very informative night.

The auction included a live auction of three guitars signed by Sting, Shakira & the Crash Test Dummies. Additionally there were a few silent auction items including my glass platter. Honestly I was excited to see my platter in the same display as those guitars!

It was an honor to be asked to donate to such a worthy cause and to be part of the evening. Thank you Ali Ericson, Crazy Uncle Mikes & the CMT Research Foundation for the opportunity to be included.

There was a great crowd at the benefit and everyone was enjoying the food, drinks & entertainment at Crazy Uncle Mikes in Boca Raton, FL.

It was so cool to see my glass art on the auction table with guitars signed by Sting, Shakira & the Crash Test Dummies!

The theme of the benefit was 80s rock. The entertainment was “Noise Pollution” the AC/DC experience and they were so fun to watch. The songs were spot on and the crowd was having a blast!


United in Blue Benefit


Painted Glass Retreat Dragonfly Platter